Sunday, April 26, 2009

ACRL Invites Proposals for 2010 Programs

ACRL invites proposal submissions for half- or full-day professional development programs to be held prior to the 2010 ALA Midwinter Meeting or the 2010 ALA Annual Conference. ACRL workshops at Midwinter will be held in Boston January 15. Preconferences at the Annual Conference will be held in Washington, D.C., June 25. Submissions will be accepted through May 4.

ALA Connect Debuts

ALA is now providing its members a common virtual space to engage in ALA business and network with other members around issues and interests relevant to the profession. In the first phase of ALA Connect, every ALA group will have the ability to utilize posts, online docs, a group calendar, surveys, polls, chat rooms, and discussion forums. Members can log in using their regular ALA website username and password. Their records are automatically synchronized with the ALA membership database, so affiliations with committees, divisions, events, round tables, and sections are displayed. Project Manager Jenny Levine offers an overview of the site and writes: “I feel a little like Doctor Frankenstein—it’s aliiiiiive—but so far the patient is doing quite well.”...

Promote School Library Media Month!

As spokesperson for School Library Media Month (SLMM), best-selling author James Patterson is the voice behind public service announcements (PSAs) promoting the work of school library media specialists in schools across the country. The PSAs can be downloaded at
The PSAs are available in lengths of 10, 15 and 20 seconds and are available for download in mp3 format. Listeners are invited by Patterson to "Discover how worlds connect" at their school libraries by celebrating SLMM. "Worlds connect @ your library" is the theme of this year's SLMM, and also of National Library Week, which was celebrated from April 12 to 18. School library media specialists are encouraged to use the PSAs on their schools' broadcasting and local radio stations. AASL is pleased to have James Patterson as spokesperson for SLMM. He will also make a special appearance at AASL's 14th National Conference & Exhibition in Charlotte, N.C.
School library media specialists will find the PSAs, links to valuable sites and other resources on the AASL Web site to help observe SLMM. "AASL wanted to give its members a complete set of tools to convey the importance of school library media programs. James Patterson's PSAs are the perfect addition to promoting School Library Media Month," said SLMM Task Force Chair Melissa Johnston.
School Library Media Month,, is the annual celebration of school library media specialists and their programs. First observed in 1985, the month long celebration takes place every April.
The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), promotes the improvement and extension of library media services in elementary and secondary schools as a means of strengthening the total education program. Its mission is to advocate excellence, facilitate change and develop leaders in the school library media field.

YALSA Announces Teens' Top Ten Nominations

Nominations for the annual Teens’ Top Ten are now available at announced the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA). YALSA encourages teens to read the 25 nominees before the national Teens’ Top Ten vote, which will take place during Teen Read WeekÔ, October 18-24 — 25 weeks from now.
The Teens' Top Ten is a teen choice list, in which teens nominate and choose their favorite books of the previous year. Nominators are members of the YA Galley Group — teen book groups in 15 school and public libraries around the country. Teen book groups for YA Galley are chosen every two years; applications will be accepted in spring 2010.
Nominations are posted on Support Teen Literature Day during National Library Week. The 10 nominations that receive the most votes during Teen Read Week will be named the official Teens' Top Ten. Nominated titles were published between January 2008 and March 15, 2009.
“The Teens’ Top Ten is the only YALSA list that is created entirely by teen input,” said Sarah Cornish Debraski, YALSA president. “Every vote for these titles counts and teens can make a difference in seeing their favorite book become a Top Ten book. Libraries can plan book groups around the nominations or incorporate them into their summer reading programs!”