Saturday, September 29, 2007

PLA Awards Applications Now Available Online

PLA is now accepting applications for the 2008 PLA Awards. Members can nominate their colleagues and libraries for PLA Awards through the PLA Web site, The deadline for submitting an application is December 3, 2007. Only electronic applications will be accepted.
The PLA Awards are designed to highlight the best in public library service by honoring those whose vision and accomplishments are extraordinary and deserve recognition by their peers.
PLA Awards include:
Advancement of Literacy Award, honoring a publisher, bookseller, hardware and/or software dealer, foundation or similar group (i.e. not an individual) that has made a significant contribution to the advancement of adult literacy;
Allie Beth Martin Award, honoring a librarian who, in a public library setting, has demonstrated extraordinary range and depth of knowledge about books or other library materials and has distinguished ability to share that knowledge;
Baker & Taylor Entertainment Audio Music/Video Product Award, promotes the development of a circulating Audio Music/Video collection in a public library;
Charlie Robinson Award, honors a public library director who, over a period of seven years, has been a risk taker, an innovator and/or a change agent in a public library;
DEMCO New Leaders Travel Grant, serves to enhance the professional development of public librarians new to the field by making possible their attendance at major professional development activities;
EBSCO Excellence in Small and/or Rural Library Service Award, honors a public library serving a population of 10,000 or less that demonstrates excellence of service to its community;
Gordon M. Conable Award, recognizes a public library staff member, library trustee, or public library that has demonstrated a commitment to intellectual freedom and the Library Bill of Rights;
Grow Your Own @ your library Institutional Scholarship, reimburses nine public libraries' employees' course tuition costs at the undergraduate or graduate level;
Highsmith Library Innovation Award, recognizes a library's innovative and creative service program to the community.
An award jury appointed by the PLA President will review each nomination. The award juries will review the applications and select a recipient at the ALA 2008 Midwinter Meeting. Award winners will be announced in February 2008, and each award will be presented at the PLA President's Reception and Awards Presentation held during the ALA 2008 Annual Conference. For more information, visit the PLA Awards Web page.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Last Call for PLA Results Book Camp 3 Applications

Applications are still being accepted now for PLA's intensive library management training, Results Boot Camp 3, to be held October 29-November 2, 2007, in Salt Lake City. This weeklong, interactive workshop will include both individual and group activities, and will focus on current library issues using case studies describing real library situations. By the end of the week, participants will have the skills necessary to develop and implement a strategic plan in their libraries.
Boot Camp 3 will be presented by Sandra Nelson and June Garcia, both of whom have written books in the PLA Results series of publications. Participation is limited to ensure an environment that fosters group interaction and active participation. Acceptance to the Results Boot Camp 3 is competitive. Applications must be mailed or faxed to the PLA office by October 1, and applicants will be notified of their status within two weeks of submitting an application. Questions about the application process can be directed to Linda Bostrom, PLA's manager of professional development, at

PLA and 3M to Hold Leadership Institute at 2008 Conference

PLA and 3M, a PLA Partner, will be offering a special daylong preconference focused on developing leaders and creating transformational change agents within the library profession. Participants will learn how to set a change strategy, how to handle various challenges, and what innovations can be most productive in implementing, driving and defining change. The preconference will be held on Tuesday, March 25, preceding PLA 2008, PLA's 12th National Conference in Minneapolis.
Costs to attend the Leadership Institute are covered by 3M, including registration fees for the day, conference supplies, transportation from the Minneapolis Convention Center to 3M's "Innovation Center," lunch, snacks, and an evening reception. PLA 2008 registration costs and travel expenses, such as airfare and hotel rooms, will not be covered by 3M and are the responsibility of the participant.
A limited number of participants will be selected to attend the Leadership Institute. Applicants must be PLA members registered for the 2008 National Conference, and have at least five years of experience at a supervisory and decision-making level within their organization. Participants must submit a 250-words-or-less essay on a substantial change to be made, their role as change agent, and the effect that this change would produce for their library. An online application form is available at
The deadline for applications is November 1, 2007. Candidates will be selected by PLA leadership and are not the responsibility of the sponsor, 3M. Applicants will be notified by the end of November. For more information on PLA 2008, visit