Friday, October 3, 2008

ALA Midwinter Preconferences

What an opportunity to attend ALA in our own state! Midwinter Conference is January 23-27th and registration is now available. If you just want to attend a preconference or the exhibits, you can! The Colorado Association of Libraries is sponsoring their own preconference and it's going to be a good one. Here's the blurb:

"The Transformational Powers of the Library: Ensuring the Future of Your Library.
Colorado Association of Libraries"
Friday, January 23, 2009, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Information about public library funding is presented based on research from the latest OCLC report, From Awareness to Funding. The research shows that people who experience the library as a transformational force in their lives are more likely to support tax increases to fund libraries. Listen to a panel that will highlight ways in which they are working to position their organizations as transformational and leave with some creative take-aways on aligning your advocacy and marketing efforts from Barnhart Communications.
Speakers: Cathy De Rosa, Global Vice President of Marketing, OCLC; Jenny Johnson, Executive Director of Marketing and Branding, OCLC; Jamie LaRue, Director, Douglas County Libraries; Janine Reid Director, High Plains Library District; Barnhart Communications.
Tickets: Advance: ALA Member, $100; Non-Member, $125; Student, $75.
Event Code: CO1

If you want to sign up for this or one of the 17 other preconferences being offered, here's a link to check them out:

2008 Culturally Responsive Library Services Survey Deadline


The ALA Office for Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOS), the American Indian Library Association (AILA), and the National Institutes of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums are seeking information on multicultural services offered by all types of libraries.

The purposes of this survey are:
1) To identify the current status of culturally responsive services in libraries;
2) To identify and study issues and challenges confronting the development of culturally appropriate services to diverse audiences;
3) To collect and disseminate information on successful programs
4) To make recommendations on possible courses of action to facilitate increased multicultural library services.
This survey is intended to be a quick assessment of services, and so your IMMEDIATE response is appreciated.

The deadline for responses is October 17, 2008, so PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE. The questions are designed for easy responses. Entries received after December 17th will not be calculated. The resulting data will be posted mid-December 2008 at

Here is the link to the survey:

It will also be available as a direct link from the OLOS home page at
ALA President Jim Rettig has announced initiatives: one in particular allows members to be more green by participating an ALA-wide virtual poster session.
The first of two poster sessions will debut this fall called “Community Central” - to share your experiences of making your library vital in your community.
The following details are from Rettig's Web page on these issues.
To be considered for inclusion in the poster session, please send a proposal in the form of a summary of your library’s efforts, making sure to address the following points:
1. Question or problem (need not be stated as hypotheses)
2. Environmental context of the question or problem (such as public libraries, academic libraries)
3. Organizational context of the question or problem (internal services, outreach, community analysis, etc.)
4. Approaches to address the question or problem (i.e., the specific ways the library and its staff have addressed the kinds of programs and activities mentioned in the Community Central description)
5. Outcomes (details on the effects of the approaches, including data, testimonials or other evidence of community involvement)
The summary must be no longer than three pages, double-spaced (one or more photos or images may be included as part of the three pages).
The deadline for submitting proposals is Nov. 15. Approximately 25 submissions will be selected and will be available for viewing during January 2009.
Send the proposals via e-mail to Dr. John M. Budd at