Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Attention New ALA Annual Attendees

The New Members Round Table (NMRT) Mentoring Committee is pleased to announce that they are accepting applications for their Conference Mentoring Program for the ALA Annual Conference in June!

Attending your first ALA Conference?

Overwhelmed by all the programs and events available at Annual?

Sign up for a Conference Mentor today!

The Conference Mentoring Program is open to all ALA members and is designed to connect a first time conference attendee with a 'seasoned professional' who can help them navigate the ALA Annual Conference.

If you are on your way to becoming a librarian, or are new to the profession, this program is for you!
Read about one of our NMRT Conference Mentoring success stories:

Interested in having a Conference Mentor? For the guidelines and an online application form please visit

The application deadline is May 1, 2008.

Applicants will be matched with a Conference Mentor in May and communicate via email or telephone prior to the conference and then meet
during the conference.

If you have questions, please contact the NMRT Mentoring Committee at Please feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues.

Please note that this mentoring program is not structured to provide career guidance, it is focused on issues related to the ALA Annual Conference. NMRT also offers a Career Mentoring program that will begin taking applications at the end of the summer. Please watch your email for an announcement regarding Career Mentoring later this year.

Thank you,
Veronica L. C. Stevenson-Moudamane
NMRT Mentoring Committee, Co-Chair